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LExington 2-0688 We Do Expert Hanging GROSSO & CO. CUSTOME MOVING ยท PACKINING AND SHIPPING WORKS-OF-ARTS AND ANTIQUES OUR SPECIALTY 444 - 2nd AVENUE New York, 10, N. Y., May 6 1963 WAREHOUSE: 1400 YORK AVE. M Stable Art Gallery 33 E 74 st NYC. [[5 columned table]] | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---| | 4/10 | 1 | packages of prints packed & Shipped to Mr. Walter A. Welsch Shedenore/Owens & Merrille 30 West Monroe st. Chicago Ill | 10.- | | | 4/24 | | unpacking one case del 1 ptg to Gallery & discarded case | 10.- | | | 4/16 | 1 | bronze figure to Singer Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza | 15.- | | | 4/23 | 1 | showcase w/ wooden easel for Marosal 58 E 13 st | 20.- | MARISOL | | | 1 | uf. pty | | | | | 1 | wooden figure in 2 sections 4 foot high - 70 lbs. to Harry Abrams 6 w 57 st. | 5.- | | [ 4/29 | 1 |f. pty from Mr Tremaine 563 [[Parhase?]] del on Tuesday | 5.- | | | | | | 65.- | |