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Philadelphia  New York · Chicago · Detroit 
Boston · San Francisco · Hollywood · Honolulu

West Washington Square, Philadelphia 6
Telephone Area ode 215. WAlnut 5-0100

Stable Gallery
33 East 74th Street
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:

Several years ago our client, the Container Corporation of America, commissioned Escobar to make a preliminary work with the idea of using it in a series of advertisements that are running entitled, "GREAT IDEAS OF WESTERN MAN."

Escobar completed a sculpture which was submitted in the form of color photography. At that time our client was in a mood of indecision, and nothing was done about it except I believe to pay for the preliminary work. As I remember, it was a handsome piece of sculpture and was hung in the house of a friend of the artists.

Our client has now decided that he would like very much to have this original work for the Container Corporation collection. Could you tell me if it can be located and if such a purchase is possible?

We realize that the Gallery is closing during the summer, but we are hoping that this letter will get through to you.

Yours Sincerely,
Charles TCoiner
Charles T. Coiner
Vice President Executive Art Director

July 26, 1963