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Renate Bohne McCarter 

Dear Betty,

Just a note to tell you what a wonderful, healthful and inspiring stay we had with you last weekend. That air out there is something, and so are you, but you don't need me to tell you that. 
You'll be in Southold then from now on, basically, yes? I'd like to see you before the summer is over and even before you are off your European venture. Would you let me know when you are going to be in town, if ever, so we can have lunch?
By the way, let's circulate the idea of a volume of just your poetry in our respective heads ( not in any one else's as yet.) It just might be something exciting and fun to do and possibly a moneymaker, too. We'll have to bounce that idea around a bit between us. I'd like to give you a call on it sometime soon, (soon is never tomorrow with me; I've lived in Mexico too long) before we forget about it; O.K.?
Please, stay well. Again, thank you for a charmed time. We both loved it.

Love - Tam & Renate