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November 14, 1914.

Mr. Chester Beach,
207 East 17th St.,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Beach:-

Mrs. Payne Whitney has asked me to say to a few friends that in aid of the foreign relief work being done by Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney there is to be an exhibition and sale during part of December in Mrs. Whitney's McDougal Alley studio. She hopes that this will so appeal to artists that many will be glad to make contributions of artistic objects that may be sold during the holidays at modest prices.

It is not Mrs. Whitney's expectation that artists will give their work outright but only a part of the proceeds of sale. I am asked to mention that the proceeds will be applied by Mrs. Whitney directly where there is urgent need regardless of nationality.

If you decide to contribute please advise me as Mrs. Payne Whitney has not yet returned to the city.

Contributed articles may be sent to this address or, if notified, I will gladly send for them.

Very truly yours,
