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Mr. BEACH'S portraits of notable people include the following men:

Senator Underwood  U.S. State Capitol, Washington, D.O
William Henry Harrison, Ninth U. S. President
                       Virginia State Capitol, Richmond
George Mason           "        "      "       "
Peter Cooper                     Hall of Fame, New York
Asa Gray                          "    "   "     "   "
Eli Whitney                       "    "   "     "   "
Samuel F. B. Morse                "    "   "     "   "
Walt Whitman                      "    "   "     "   "
Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn, Pres. & Director
                    Am. Museum of Natural History, N.Y.
Professor Elliott, Ornithologist,  
                     "     "    "    "      "       "
Jonathan Thorne,     "     "    "    "      "       "
General Herrera Pan-American Building, Washington, D.C.
Carl Maria v.Weber       Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Charles Jacobs, Engineer-in-chief, Hudson Tunnels
Henry L Doherty, late Pres. Cities Service Co. 
                                60 Wall Tower, New York
Adolph Lewisohn              Lewisohn Stadium, New York
Professor L. M. Wiles    Leroy Art School, Leroy, N. Y.
Augustus Juilliard  Juilliard Musical Foundation, N. Y.
James Parton Haney, Director School Art league,N.Y.
                     N. Y. University Library, New York
Charles A. Coffin, General Electric Company. 
                    General Electric Works, Schenectady
George E. Eumons,     "        "        "
                       "        "      "         "
Eugene B. Clark, late Pres. Clark Equipment Co.
Madison Grant, late Pres. N. Y. Zoological Society
George Davison, Chariman of the Board, Central Hanove Bank & Trust Co.
Dr. Christian A. Herter, Rockefeller Institute
Dr. Frank Babbott
Professor David Robertson, University of Kansas
Stanley Resor
William Gray, Pres. Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co.
John M. Perry
Austin M Purves
 Rev. Daniel Townsend
Theodore De Vinne, De Vinne Press   Columbia University

Mrs. George Davison
Miss Marilyn Miller
Mrs. Austin M Purves
 Mrs. Donald Scott and boys
Mrs. Beach
Miss Ann Chalmers
Mrs. Thomas Perry