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- 3 - [[left margin]] Page 5 [[/left margin]] "Her training, skill and unfailing good judgement have written her name high on the roll of masters of our contemporary design." Her influence permeates everything which today is produced, sold, planned and organized under the name Knoll International. It is noticeable even in the general atmosphere of each individual organization within the Knoll enterprise, and this is not the only true of the spirit of the designs and colors and the spatial atmosphere, but also of the pleasant, civilized interrelationship between the creators and the inanimate, the intangible of receptivity and mutual esteem. [[left margin]] Page 8 [[/left margin]] Florence Knoll's clear and deep seated love of order corresponds to the logic and the perspective of planning and the clear clean color scale which are essential characteristics of all Knoll furnishings. Similar to Mondrian and the architects of the de-Stijl group, she belongs to those individuals who - deeply disturbed by the chaos of the world around us - hope to further internal order through the creation of the exterior order. Systemized tubular constructions which at the same time serve as receptacles for electric wiring, are used as room dividers, hanging ceilings, semi-transparent new window fronts, and better proportioned widths and heights of passageways. In the course of the years, Florence Knoll has simplified these modern devices in her planning and furnishing work, so that, with or without her presence, her system is used, wherever new sales or showrooms are developed, and disadvantages may actually be turned into advantages. [[left margin]] Page 9 [[/left margin]] The German Knoll International produces most of the original Knoll Associates models in Germany and is licensed to do so. It has becomes more and more involved in overseas export to satisfy the ever growing demand of other countries. In Germany, Knoll furniture is manufactured mainly with native raw materials, and although the models do not suffer any basic changes, they have to a certain degree been adapted to German methods of production and the demands of the German market. Reliable and sturdy construction as well as proper use of basic materials have always been chief advantages of the Knoll International products. From the beginning, the sales program has included a collection of upholstery, drapery and casement fabrics, designed by outstanding, internationally known artists. In textiles too, as in furniture, Florence Knoll's judgement has never permitted any compromise with dubious taste. The production program of Knoll International contains a high percentage of the unpretentious and the solid so that models of the Knoll International style - a style which has become a concept - can be found just as often in small apartments, in thousands of offices, but also on the marble floors of the reception areas of large industrial enterprises or in the offices of their executives. The timeless style of Knoll International fits in everywhere. Its discipline is spiritual, not dependent on material consideration. [[left margin]] Page 10 [[/left margin]] Hans and Florence Knoll have always designated each model and each textile design which they have utilized in their own production, with the name of the designer. They have furthered the purely artistic endeavors of many of their