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Caller-"Is Mr. Smith lodging here?"
Servant-"Yes, sir."
Caller-"Is he in?"
Servant-"No, 'e ain't."
Caller-"Do you know where he is?"
Servant-"No, I don't; but I think 'e's gone golf-fishing."-London Sketch.




The Prince-"Pleased to know you, Mr. Hay."

Ambassador Hay-"Thanks, your Highness."

The Prince-"I fancy we shall get on famously together."

Ambassador Hay-"I trust so, your Highness."

The Prince-"You strike me, Mr. Hay, as a man who will prove himself punctilious
regarding the amenities of diplomatic etiquette. That's what I like. Some men say that these are trifling details. I don't agree with them. No, sir. Nothing offends me more than these little breaches-"

Ambassador Hay (aghast)-"Your Highness!"

The Prince-"I say that nothing offends me more than these little breaches-"

Ambassador Hay (shocked)-"O, your Highness!"

The Prince-"What in the dev-, I say that nothing offends me more than these
little breaches of diplomatic courtesy."

Ambassador Hay (relieved)-"Certainly, your Highness-of course-very proper, indeed-it does you credit- indeed, it does."-
Cleveland Plain Dealer.


"Those conductors are always expecting a man to perform impossibilities." said the Philadelphian, stepping off a New York cable car.

"Why what did he say to you?"