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To mention "beauty" again, which is almost a bad word in the modern lexicon of art, including art critics, its need is greater than ever because it is so rare. There were periods when the warriors back from the wars could enjoy moments of great beauty in a tea room. With a creative urge, a whole countryside in thirteenth century France could join hands to create beauty in many ways, art and architecture, crafts, music, poetry, all facets of a sincere human expression.

We are, however, face to face with a more urgent problem of survival. Perhaps it is impossible to go back into our hillside and woods, and avoid the whole situation.

In a few words, it is a question of annihilation or transformation. At this point, the world has a choice, but the choices each year become narrower. It might even be necessary for a limited thermonuclear destruction in the sense of the benevolent goddess Kali with her destruction, before we run into the dance of Shiva and the giving of life to the dead dolls. A limited destruction might even be an act of great charity, as a first step into creating a new society of truth and consciousness. I am sure it is bound to come. It is a bold and strong frontal attack on the gates of heaven. There is nothing of Satyagraha or nonviolence. Man can come out of the dangers, and he probably will in an ultimate sense, as it is not man's prerogative to destroy himself. He might come close, but the flowers did bloom in Hiroshima not too many months after the destruction.

Of course, the main issue is between the two super powers, the two horned scorpions, actually sterile, but with powerful venom. If they could limit themselves to a duet, it would be well for the rest of the world, but it will, of course, overflow into much of everything else. It is a rather ironic picture, as the two powers confronting each other, with the objective of saving their own achievements, systems and mores, have actually reached a point of absurdity that belies human intelligence. Neither of the super powers has any great achievement in their life times.