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To quote paragraph three of your letter:

"..There is bound to be an extraordinary transformation, quite aside from anything that we can conceive of at the present time, and an entirely different route from the concepts we have had, resulting in a great synthesis of the spirit with prople throughout the world. A synthesis of the deepest truth that exists in many parts of the world and expressed in a real physical way in the concept of an environment again unimaginable to our present lives..." 

I have thought about these words many times. They are very powerful, anticipatory of a marvelous act of on-going creation. We are indeed, Mr. Nakashima, journeying towards The Omega point, and I am truly grateful for the good blessing of having walked beside you for a time, however brief. You have tried to share your vision with me. I do not know how much longer you or I have to spend here, but I sincerely desire to reverence the gift of wholeness and integrity which is yourself.

Should there be some further steps in this mysterious journey, I shall await a communication from you. And with the Little Prince, I shall walk out under the stars at night and hear them laughing within the limitless Deep Heaven. 


Sister Jane Collins, R.S.M.