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Howdy!  Welcome to the golden age, it is time for man to understand the absolute goal of all creation - God - Realization.  God has several layers of consciousness which represent the steps along the path.  Because these layers are indescribable in human terms.  We can only use letters or codes to signify these concepts, the three steps are Kam, Nirvana, and LNH.

The first step toward God - Realization is Kam.  In Kam there are infinite universes.  We Know GODs or Grandaddy's Universe - U - When we realize U we Realize Kam.  Kam is infinite power, Infinite Knowledge, and Infinite bliss.  Love, Truth, and Light abide in Kam.  Infinite Love - AM- is the source of you and you are the source of Grandaddy's universe.  It is the reason to Be.  Love is the key or beginning point.  It seeks no rewards.  It exists for Am.  It is.  The paths to Kam are Infinite, Though the Quickest is through the heart, let your heart forever be your guide and love your master which is AM.  AM is the reason to Be.  Have love as the source of your actions.  Everyone knows how to traverse the universe.  It is intuition.  It puts that which has no dimension into that which does.  Intuition is a part of divine knowledge.  So let the hear and intuition be your guides.

The state after Kam - Realization is Nirvana.  This is the unknown universe - A mirror image of this universe.  Nirvana is a universe onto itself, it has Kam as its aspect (part) It is where you have insight into the workings of the known universe, In U, Nirvana is unknown. Once you reach this state of illumination it is no longer [[strikethrough]]know[[/strikethrough]] unknown.  It is the source of Divine knowledge and the source of Kam.  In Nirvana knowledge springs from the heart and is understood through the mind until you become that knowledge in LNH.  AM is in Nirvana

LNH is the final state.  It is union with the most, most GOD who always has been and always. forever is.  IT is indescribable in our language.  LNH is the source of AM and Has Nirvana