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The foregoing are just notes on what I think should be in the film. Would these points seem important and appropriate to you? Of course, if the film were to go ahead, a detailed treatment would need too be written. 

I would like to apply to the National Endowment for the Arts for a grant. However, to do this I need a letter from you indicating your willingness to have a film about you and your work made. If you would like to pursue the film could you send me a letter stating your agreement to allow me to make the film. The deadline for submitting an application to the Endowment is September 15, 1983. Awards are announced in February 1984. Applications can only be made once a year for this grant. 

I do hope you will agree to explore with me the possibility of making the film. It is your philosophy that I find most interesting and inspirational. If this can be communicated in a film then I think many people would be inspired to look around them at nature and at their lives. 


Trevor Greenwood