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293 Aquetong Road

December 5, 1983 

Mr. J. E. Rash
Institute for Practical Idealism 
Route 4 
Box 265 
Bedford, VA 24523 

Dear Mr. Rash: 
Thank you for your letter of December 1st after your return from New York. In relation to my dream vis-a-vis Sally Swing Shelley of the U.N., it is the sort of thing that has to come spontaneously, and I would not consider in the least to try to put any pressure on her. I'm sure that she is overwhelmed with immediate problems. If it makes any sense in relation to her, the best way I think is to let it germinate and perhaps eventually come to fruition. I believe as I mentioned this piece is also with Robert Muller whom you know. I have never met him, but I am told that he is a person of great sensitive perceptions. I am sending out this piece to a few people here and there. I don't react too well to your report on the Buddhist monk. Even people in organized religions, both Indian and Japanese, sometimes become a big aggressive. If Mrs.Shelley is interested in coming here, I shall be quite happy to receive her, show her our work, and the mode of our living. 

My son, Kevin, and I are leaving tomorrow for California to inspect some fine woods that exist there, and also to make arrangements for this lumber dealer to come out with his special saws to execute the sawing of our prize log. It is something that has to be handled very delicately and with precision when we once get to it. 

A little over a week ago, I received the Third Order of the Sacred Treasure from the Government of Japan under the aegis of the Emperor. This award, which runs from One to Eight, with the higher ranks of course being very limited, is held with high respect by the Japanese. I received the Third Order which is almost as high as one can go without being directly involved with international relationships such as diplomacy or high politics. The award itself is quite an impressive piece and the presentation ceremony at the Japanese Embassy in New York was also quite impressive. 

Looking forward to seeing you before too long and all good wishes for the holiday season. 
Sincerely yours, 
George Nakashima 
