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May 29/90

May 27, 1990

Dear Sara,
I don't know if you remember me, but my name is "Mike" for short. I was a student of "Yasu" from 1951-53, and after he died I left the ASL. The classmates I remember most are Dan Maloney and Paul Jenkins. I think Yasu and I spent more time outside the classroom at his studio on Fourteenth Street -- mostly we talked about Japan.

As you know Yasu was born in Okayoma. I grew up in Hiroshima, just about three hours from his birthplace. We had similar backgrounds: both left young, and had many jobs while pursuing a career in art. I remember first writing him a letter in 1938. I was almost 17 years old and wanted to study with him; I wrote it in Japanese, and never got a reply.

In any case, I was very fond of Kuniyoshi and admired him. In retrospect, I was influenced by him more than anyone else. In reading an article in a Japanese publication recently, I discovered Paul Jenkins' name as the only well known artist to have studied under Kuniyoshi -- although in Japan it is recognized that I studied under him as well. 

One week ago I visited New York for two days and spent one entire day with Paul Jenkins. In the course of our conversations Karl Fortes and Herman Cherry were mentioned, but only briefly. We even dropped by the League and it's unchanged after 36 years.

Sueo Serisawa called me not too long -- he wants to donate his collection of Yasuo's photographs to a museum in Japan. I usually go to Japan once yearly and would recommend the Okayama Prefecture museum as a possibility. Perhaps you know of another. 

One time Yasuo had too much to drink so I carried him to the Waverly Place apartment. You were angry with me and thought I had gotten him drunk. I always wanted to tell you how bad I felt that rainy night coming so late!

My ex-wife also worked at MOMA (in the treasury department) in the 1960s and Frank O'Hara, Waldo Rasmussen, among others, were friends.

I just learned that you donated two of my drawings some time ago to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These were probably dated 1964 or 1965 and had formerly been partof the Grippi Gallery.

I used to visit Woodstock off and on when I was young, and later became a resident of East Hampton. Hopefully, I can visit you on my next N.Y. trip, or in the event you come to L.A. I hope we can meet to do some visiting.

Matsumi Kanemistu

Transcription Notes:
In paragraph 2 (how) should the handwritten letter swap be denoted? ANS: Just write the word as the editorial change intends: "young" not "yougn". Also, do not make paragraph indents.