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Transcription: [00:02:58]
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
It's-it's-it's kind of like, it's stuck with me and I always tell my mom like, why did you do that to me? *laughs* What? *laughs*
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
*laughs* Did she, uh, answer, uh
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
Yeah she just laughed, like I didn't even know my sister was-was just have a blast about that story. This is very second hand embarrassment for me and I am still thinking about it to this day, really. *laughs*
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
*laughs* Now you share it on this recording.
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
*laughs* I know- oh no.
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
Um so, how did you get started with photography?
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
Like how did you get that started as your art form?
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
I-I-I was the photographer of the-in the family I just kind of took over the camera, and I just played with it and I just really like how-how well I can manipulate it to-to my liking, too. And it-it's like my third eye, almost, and I really, I really love that. And I can see more...of my surroundings with it. I notice things more when I have my camera with me or if I don't I would say, "oh that-that would makes-that would make a really nice picture." Um, so I often have-have like, I guess, have like, uh, I don't know how to explain this but, you know, I just always see something, I always compose something in my-in my head. Like my eyes, if, I could turn them into lenses I would.
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
You would just take a mental picture and print it out and-
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
I know, yeah, yeah.
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
So, uh, how did you decide that you would be in these photographs for this, um, exhibit?
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
Um, it's-to be honest it was-it was convenient for me at the time. Um, I think it's best to, I could ask friends but of course if I have to explain them how I feel, can you evoke this emotion? They probably can-they probably have an idea of how I feel but of course, you know they would probably think differently, so it's not going to be exact as how I would see it so I figured, let me direct myself, you-you know through my own thoughts.
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
So it's-it's best. When it comes to self-portrait picture anyways.
{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
And, um, how long did it take in order