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Transcription: [00:07:20]
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
It's like a feedback kind of thing. Um, just kind of like bringing them in reeling them in almost, so...

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
And, your audience- are you, trying to target this message to Asian Americans, or Americans, or is it people in general, like what is the

{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
Uh, not necessarily any race, it's just--it's to anybody

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
Umm, everyone thinks differently, so when they see it, no matter what your race is I'm sure they can pick up on... certain little aspects that probably speak to them.

I don't really like to, you know, just make it about being an Asian woman or anything. Just about being a woman, and just all these faces sometimes we have to put on or carry on.

{SPEAKER name="Jasmine Fernandez"}
And how does it feel to be in this exhibit? For the portrait. Now, Asian-Americans-- how does it feel for you as you are saying, as an Asian woman, as an American as...

{SPEAKER name="Tam Tran"}
I feel great. It brings--gives me a voice to speak and a face to this portrait or now project.

Yeah I'm very grateful for being part of it. It's, it's great, I love it.