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at this place. We are convinced that we are doing a good work here. We met with so much opposition when we thought of leaving, that we could not find it in our hearts to leave them.

I am in hopes that you will be willing to pay Miss Bateman and myself $15.00 per month from Jan 1st to the close of the school year. We have cost you nothing since coming here up to the present time. and have been working very hard on low salary [[crossed out]] and [[/crossed out]] being able to lay by very little. We must keep ourselves respectably dressed. In one of your letters I believe you offered to do this.

During this vacation of a week we expect to go to housekeeping, have rented rooms - we think it will be cheaper than to board. I am expecting by brother Richard to visit us during the holidays. I wish you would send me a box of clothing and socks if you have any on hand. I think I can dispose of them so as to pay the freight and relieve many that are needy. Please let me hear from you soon very soon
M.E. Hartley

P.S. the public money as I stated before has not been paid in, and I will not receive my pay for what I have taught for some time I suppose.

The Supr informs me that after April they may have some more public money for a Summer school but can make me no promises.