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Office of BARNARD & BARNUM, 
School Books, Apparatus & Furniture
Sunday School Books, Maps, &c., &c., 
Memphis, Tenn., July 7th 1869.

Bt. Lt. Col. C.E. Compton. 
Supt. Education.
Nashville Tenn.

Dear Sir:
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 6th Inst asking for "orders or instructions" concerning the repairs made upon Freedman's school house in Union City. In reply I would respectfully state that I have no written order to make the repairs. While visiting the school saw the necessary for the repairs and told Dr Slaughter if he would make out an estimate of the cost of the repairs I would forward the application. At this time I was urged by the Commissioner to get in all vouchers by the 15th of May and hence I made the application and sent forward the vouchers at the same time. The only answer I ever received