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1869 LR No. 1195 Tenn
Bur. R.F.& A. Lands Tenn
Office Supt of Education
Nashville, July 12th 1869
Compton, C.E.
Bvt Lieut Col & Supt of Education

Transmits enclosed Check 5972 on U.S. Asst. Treasurer at N. York in favor of G.H. Hartupee for $360. for construction on the Central Tennessee College.

G.H. Hartupee's Receipt see next page.
Rec'd Nashville Tenn. July 13/1869

Nashville Tenn
July 14 1869
Respectfully returned to Brevet Lt. Col. C.E. Compton [[strikethrough]] Jos. W. Gelray [[/strikethrough]] U.S.A. [[strikethrough]] Disbursing Officer [[/strikethrough]] Supt of Education B.R.F.& A.L., Nashville, Tenn., and the receipt of the within mentioned check hereby acknowledged.

G.H. Hartupee

[[stamp]] C.E. COMPTON BVT. LT. COL. U.S. ARMY JUL 18 1869 [[/stamp]]