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deprive the freed men of their power in that Matter. -

(Look here.)  Congress: - the reconstruction Law reads (thus.) the Laboring Class. of the South. shall put the officers. over them.

the Constitution of Texas. accepted. by by Congress. reads [thus] all officers in the State. Shall be Legally elected by ballots: - 

and if the Constitution. under the reconstruction Laws of Congress. has laid the foundation of her State. in such Manner. how then. can the Legislature. thereof. pass any act. to appoint officers. 
without nullifying the State Constitution: - it also [[strikethrough]] [[?]] the [[/strikethrough]] in the above mentioned. dodges.) the reconstruction law of Congress: 

[what for or why:] they answer if you Negroes has this [[this?]] thing in hand . you'd Elect the worse Rebels in the state:] replied, did that give you white men. the right. to take the privileges that Congress has Declared to us. because you think. we would put Rebels in offices - ye have had 3 years Trial in this matter:  who have you. Kept in the offices of the State. (ans) Loyal men: - qu. - how did they act in the offices. (ans) very well; (reply) very well.  when Congress in 69 had to over throw the whole State: and put other the (Scriptures) husband men in their Stead: qu. who put these men in office (ans) we did: qu were not they Rebels.  (ans) they were.  qu why did you put them in: