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(ans) because we could not do better:  qu. have you done better. (ans) yes. q what better: (ans) there is good men in office. all over the State:  qu. why are they turning them out:  (ans) I don't know: - and Left the Subject with us: -

these were Members to the Legislature:] and we will give you their hearts in this Matter:

Their Evil reason for dodging that reconstruction clase: (was this.) they thought. the word (Laboring Clause) Meant freed or colored:  and they would dodge it:  in every place they could: - and finally they have caught themselves in their own dodges:

[[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] (a Lecture of the Governor.)

in all the above Statements. you Know. that the Governor was the Superviser. of this Legislature:  and what so ever recent on against the Constitution or reconstruction Laws.  he was responsible for it (whether) he participated. with it. or it is all reason. will Teach you that:  and further say. that it is Lately found out. that the governor was a slave holder: - and we are sorry:  to have such, to write to you:  Striving as hard. as we did. to throw the (horse) and his rider (red sea): Not knowing any better:  but Since we find it the case. we can expect it. No better:  besides he is badly henpecked:  [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Marrying in a Slave holding family; and she a grieving at the Loss of her Slaves:  would (undoubtedly) Take away. the