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January 22, 1968

Mr. Richard Santini
Santini Brothers
447 West 49th Street
New York, New York

Dear Richard:

I am writing to you now in reference to a matter we discussed over the telephone last week.

Donald Judd, one of our artists, reported to me that he received one of his sculptures via Santini Brothers in the following conditions: 2 Santini labels had been pasted onto the painted surface of the sculpture. Needless to say, we were all shocked by this report.

The sculpture will have to be scraped and repainted. Mr. Judd estimates that the expense of this work will come To $100.

We are most anxious to have this insurance matter handled by you in the fastest and most direct way possible. However, what is even more important is some assurance that some situation like this will not happen again. Mr. Judd has asked me to convey to you his decision not to have his sculpture handled by Santini Brothers in the future, in which case we as his gallery would have to comply, if there is possibility of similar situations arising. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Kay Bearman