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June 26, 1969

Mr. McGraw
Toplis & Harding
111 John Street
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. McGraw:

Enclosed is a photograph of "Untitled", 1969 of Don Judd, one panel of which was damaged during the removal of the piece from the gallery. The details of the incident and copies of the bills for the repair of the panel in the amount of $1,950.00 for which we are making a claim, are included in a letter written to Great Norhtern Brokerage on May 2nd, a copy of which I understand they have sent to you.

Enclosed also are copies two receipts from Holder's Delivery System, Inc. for a) delivery of three of the four panels to our warehouse and b) for delivery of the one damaged panel to the fabricators of the work, Bernstein Bros., who then undertook its repair. This took several months, unfortunately, and we did not receive the final bill until late April, thus the reason for our delay in notifying Great Northern. Attached to the receipts is Holder's bill in the amount of $210.00 for removal of the work and delivery of the panels to the places mentioned above.

I hope that this information is helpful and that the matter can be resolved at last.

Thank you very much.


Barbara Wool