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Telefon växel 24 42 00

Stockholm September 29, 1969

Mrs Florence S. Benedict
The American Federation of Arts
41 East 65 Street

New YORK N.Y. 10021

Dear Mrs Bendict:

Thank you for your letter of September 24.

It was a great pitty [[pity]], that the arrangements didn't pass off the way we thought they would do.

In your letter of June 6 to director Hultén it was clearly said, that Hague Art Delivery "has the cases ready for shipping and will await word from me as to the arrangements you will make".

We thought that your letter left no doubt that you should forward the informations we gave you in our letter of June 16, to Hague Art Delivery.

However, the harm is already done and we will now investigate new delivery-arrangements with The Swedish American Line., and as soon as we know what shall be done we will advice you and Hague Art Delivery about the final arrangements.

Until you will hear from us again we remain

Yours truly

Barbro Ström
Barbro Ström

cc: Hague Art Delivery, New York
cc: Leo Castelli, New York