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[[5 columned table]]
| DD# |   |    | COST | CRATE |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 69-1 (162) | 1 large, stainless steel stack, purple plexiglas wrap-around (10 boxes, each 9" x 40" x 31") [[?]] | 18000. - | 2750.00 ea 6500-✓ TO DON| 350.00? |

| 69-54 (160 | 1 large, solid blue anodized stack (10 boxes, each 9" x 40" x 31") 9. ✓ | 20.000 | 39.000 EA 8000 - ✓ | 350.00? |

| 69-44 (139B) 69-45 (139A) | #2 69" round-fronted, brass progression. Edition of 3 ✓, (8 1/2" x 4 7/8" x 69") | 6500 | 550.00 EA 2.800 | 50.00 FOR 2 |

| 69-48 (159), 69-49 (159-A), 69-50 (159-B) | 3 40" round-fronted, brass progression. Edition of 4 (8 1/2" x 4 7/8" x 40")| 400.0 | 480.00 3000 for B | 50.00 |

| 69-57 (163) | 1 21' Fibonacci progression, plain aluminum tube, purple boxes. (8 ½ "x253"x8 ½") Edition of 3. 4/14 WH
15000 | 900.00 EA 6500 | 90.00 Delivery charge 5.00 |

| 69-62 (145-A), 69-63 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] | 2 13' plain aluminum tube, with purple boxes, progression 8 ½"x161" 8 ½") Edition of 3 4/14 W H | 12000 | 1300.00 EA [[?]] .650 | 50.00 for 2 |

|[[strikethrough]] | 69-55 | 1 9' brass tube progression with blue anodized boxes (6"x 110 3/4 x 6") Edition of 3 | 9000 | 1500.00 EA 37.10 | 50.00 | [[/strikethrough]]

| 69-68 143-A), 69-69 (143-8) | 2 6' brass tube progression, with red boxes. (6"x75"x6") Edition of 3 | 7500 | 1000.00 EA 6500 for 2 | 50.00 |

| 69-71 (144-A)69-72-B | [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 2 6' brass tube progression with blue boxes (6" x 75" x 6") Edition of 3 |  8000 | 1200.00 EA 3250 Each for 4 | 50.00 FOR 4 |

| 69-42? | [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 4 [[strikethrough]] plexiglas-sided [[/strikethrough]], SETS - 8 ENDS - PLEX by JUDD ASS'Y BY JUDD stainless steel end plates, boxes (34" x 20" x 48") Colors: BY JUDD.  | [[5000?]] | 135.00 Per End | 9200 for 4 | 

| 69-22 | 1 6-box, brass and plexiglass ( [[?]] ) wall piece (each box 34" square) | 25000 | 6600.00 EA 9000. | 500.00 |

| 69-14 (47-A) RETURNED | 1 6-box, stainless steel & plexi (amber) wall piece (each box, 34" square) Met. exhib. | 18000 | 2460.00 EA 7000- | 200.00 |

| 69-13 (127-B) [[strikethrough]] 69-12 [[/strikethrough]] | 1 brass floor box with recessed top Edition of 3. (22" x 50" x 37") | 7000 | 1000.00 EA 3421 | 150.00 ✓ |

| 69-18 | 1 anodized aluminum core, floor piece (33" x 48" x 68")
[[?]] | 10000. | 700.00 EA 4000 | 275.00 |

| 69-37 | 1 aluminum core, floor pieces, with plexi colors: (33" x 48" x 68") | 13000 | 1700.00 EA 112 11.250 for 2 | 275.00 |

| 69-[[19?]] | 1 copper bullnose wall box (6" x 27" 26") | 2500. each | 250.00 EA 1710 for |

| 69- [[21?]] | 1 brass bullnose wall box (6" x 29" x 24") (or same as above. | 250.00 |   |    |

|   | 1 brass core, floor piece Edition of 3 | 15000 to 20000 - |  30,000.00 EA | 275.00 5000 |

EB 3/17/70