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31 Bedford St., #13
New York City 10014
27 November 1972

Barbara Lipper
Leo Castelli Gallery
4 East 77th Street
New York City

Dear Barbara:

Here are the things I need to know:

A list of the pieces, with LC #'s, that Panza purchased last summer.

If Sperone was ever sent the two long (69") square-front stainless steel progressions.

The name of the Kansas City dealer who brought five pieces from Joe Helman last summer. Morsan Gallery—? 

[[margin]] Susan will call.↓ led [[/margin]]

Both the Gallery and the catalogue raisonné should have photographs of the new red recessed-front stack in the show at Greenberg's. Don may have arranged to have it photographed when he was out there. In any case, could you see if Greenberg has had it done and how soon we can expect prints? If it hasn't been done, please convince, order, cajole him to do it. It's pretty important since the piece is unique. You might also mention to Greenberg taht [[that]] I would love to receive a list of the Judd works in his personal collection and that I'll be writing him soon with such a request. [[strikethrough]] soon. [[/strikethrough]] 

Sorry this letter is so messy. Regards to the Castelli cat pack, especially Patrick.

Roberta P. Smith

{Chartouse unique -Artforum- }