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By a professional card which will be found in this paper, it will be seen that this gentleman has resumed the practice of law in this city. Mr. Tustin is the son of Rev. Dr. Tustin, well and favorably known as having served for several years as Chaplain to the United States Senate, having previously served as Chaplain to the House of Representatives and University of Virginia.

Mr. Tustin was educated at Columbian College, and received the honorary degree of A. M. from that institution. During his residence in Washington he has served for several years as Trustee of Public Schools. For sixteen years he has been connected with the several branches of the Pension Bureau, and through four successive Administrations has received frequent promotions and evidences of approbation. It may not be out of place to say he is an efficient ruling elder in the New York Avenue Church in this city.

From the acknowledged capacity, energy, and integrity of Mr. Tustin, we anticipate for him a successful career in resuming his profession, for which he has our cordial good wishes.
Mr. Tustin has recently returned from Iowa, where under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior he has been attending to professional business connected with the Pension Bureau.
-Washington Paper.
Hon. N. H. Swayne, United States Supreme Court.
Hon. J. W. Johnston, United States Senate.
William Reynolds, Esq., Peoria, Ill.
Hon. W. W. Corcoran, Washington City.