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#315 (R.,F., & A.L. Vol 18,) 1871
Russellville, Ky.
April 20th, 1871

Bowling, R.C.
H 156 D.O. Ky. 1871

Forwards letter of March 18th to Second Auditor, referring to Minor Temple's claim for bounty as mother of Fred Temple, late of Co. D. 108th U.S.C.T. and complained that Maj. Runkle paid her but $97. out of $300. amount allowed in settlement of her claim and the reply stating that this claim was settled by Cert 543 800 for $117.86 sent to Freedmens Bureau Oct 28th 1869.
States that there must be some error and requests to have it corrected.

WRAPPER (3 Enclosures.)
Rec'd back Bu. R.F. & A.L. May 1. 1871.
Received Bureau R.,F.,&A.L., Apl. 26th 1871.
Rec'd D.O. Ky Apl 28. 71

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
WASHINGTON, April 24th 1871.
Respectfully referred by the Commr. to Col. Runkle for report.

E. Whittlesey
A.A.A. General.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Covington Ky. April 29. 71.

Respectfully returned with the information that I paid this claimant $107.86. currency.

I don't know what report I can make other than this. Great numbers of the colored people have got it into their heads [[strikethrough]] file [[/strikethrough]] that Three Hundred Dollars is due them, and there are numbers of people who delight in encouraging them in this belief
Ben P Runkle
