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Germantown 4/28 71

Dear Fr'd

Genl O. O. Howard

After an eight months campaign in Tenn, I report, as I had resolved, not what is to be done, but what has been done. My conviction has long been that the Anglo African claims our help and will for a long time to come. That he is again imperiled (perhaps as imminently as in 1865) no one who travels South can doubt. According to the enclosed Commission I expect go down again. I left my nine schools (a good normal & model one in Maryville) in care of a competent man and his wife from Town, whom I pay (both) $50 a month. The Cor Sec of the Harvard & Levi Coffin of Cincinnati tell me that there is a contract still valid between thyself (or the old Commissioner of the Bureau) and them for $5000 towards the Little Rock concern. That, notwithstanding the appropriation by Congress of the remaining assets of the Bureau, there was a fund from which that contract could be made good. How is this? And is there a chance for the Maryville School - 150 pupils enrolled - lately (the crops &c calling off) about 90 - getting an appropriation by the Peabody Friend? The conditions of that legacy are strict I know; but the work in Tenn is just the kind in view of the bequest viz helping those who try to help themselves and the training of teachers.  Faithfully,
Thy Fr'd
Yardley Warren
