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Oxford Miss. May 1t 1871.


Hon O.O. Howard Sir 

I hope that you will excuse the liberty, which I as a stranger, take in writing to you. I am engaged in teaching school in Lafayette County. Here I taught under the direction of the Freedmens Bureau over a year ago, but as soon as the Common School System took effect here of course our school with other schools was placed under controll of the Board of education 

Now the Board adopted a 5 month term only. And our school (colored,) was among the first that the school put to work, which was done on the 18th of last November, so that our term of our school has expired and our school if kept up longer, must be done by or through some other source. Next fall the free school system begins with our school and others again. Our school is the largest of any in this County and its patrons are the poorest being freed colored people. We would like to keep up the school a while longer if we can meet with aid from some source. I see by the Journals of education that The Peabody Fund Committe pays teachers of schools which no 100