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practicable. Mr. Bille intends to leave for St Thomas by the steamer which sails from Southampton on the 2d June, and I can doubtly reach him there, by availing of the Steamer "City of Paris", hence for Liverpool, on Saturday next, the 20th inst. If you can, therefore, make it convenient to send me the desired information, (which I presume exists mainly in the form of Reports, Reviews and other printed documents,) so as to reach me here on Friday next, you will confer a very great favor, not only upon the Danish Government, but also on the cause which you - and all lovers of humanity, - have so much at heart.

I remain, General, with assurances of my sincere esteem,
your obedient servant
C.T. Christensen
Consul & Act'g. Charge d'Affaires of Denmark
of the firm of Arnold, Sturges & Co.
(late of the U.S. Volunteers)