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Disbursing Office Bureau R.F. & A.L.
New Orleans La April 26th 1871

Brig Genl E. Whittlesey
A.A.G. Bureau & RF & AL
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to return here with the papers in the case of John Page builder of Straight University with the report of the referees E.C. Beman and Peter Ross and the umpire Charles Heath as to the amount to be allowed John Page in final settlement of his claim.

Peter Ross the referee selected by Mr. Page, conferred with me on several occasions and as we could not agree Mr Charles Heath was requested by us to act as umpire between us and in signing the enclosed recommendation Mr Ross and myself felt bound to abide by the decision Mr Heath although our private opinions remain unchanged

Mr Ross things that John Page should have been allowed more while i think that the allowance as recommended in the report is altogether too large
In the first place Mr Page named his own price in the Contract and as near as I can learn considerable