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Gallery floor joists not laid in white lead, and no protection against water driving into the building and  passing down through the plastering, as it has already been done.
Stairway railings extremely weak and defective. Partition fence in rear ditto. 
Basement rooms roughly and imperfectly finished. Ten (10) transom windows not hung or prepared in any manner to open and close. 
Cupola apparently defective - we presume in the lack of width and proper position of the slates, allowing the water to drive in and damage the plastering below. 
Our information shows that the exterior of the building has received only two coats of paint the contract requiring three. 
Mr Page refuses to pay for inserting the gas pipes while the contract distinctly requires this and states "The Contractor John Page will furnish and pay for all necessary labors and artisans" &c &c.
The lowest safe estimate of cost of the mere labor of correcting the defects enumerated we believe to be as follows.
