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Office of Superintendent of Education,
Cor St. Charles and Melpomene Sts. 
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Cor St. Charles and Melpomene Sts.
New Orleans, La. May 9th 1871

Bt Lieut Col Edgar C Beman
Chief D.O. B R F & A L
New Orleans La


By direction of Genl O.O. Howard I herewith transmit all the Papers Connected with the Building of Straight University as Mr John Page the Builder and myself cannot make Settlement mutually satisfactory. The following is a list

One (1) Copy of Contract
One (1) Certificate of the Architect
One (1) Letter of Seymour Straight
One (1) Report of Trustees
Tow (2) Letter of Jno Page
One (1) Bill for work -

Mr Pages letters are false in every particular and I shall be ready to substantiate this assertion when you require it and to offer you all the aid in my power during the investigation I am Colonel
Very respectfully Your obedient Servant
E W Mason
Supt of Education

Transcription Notes:
The word in front of Colonel looks like Jam when I analyzed the hand writing as it resembles their J, a, and m, but please correct me if I am wrong. I believe the rest of the page looks good. It is "I am Colonel". Is and Js often look similar.