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A memorandum compairing the time required by the contracts, with the time spent on the work.


On the 3rd of May the 1st contract was signed; we have them in
May 28 days
June 30
July 11
Work at the building on the 1st contract - 69 days
Signed the cocntract the second time on the 13th of September; we have then in September 13 days
then in Oct 31
then in Nov 30
1870 then in Dec 31
then in Jan 31
then in Feb 16
Number of days after signing the second contract } 154
Time spent on the building up to the 16 of Feb } 223

The time for completion the whole work as stipulated by the first contract was from May 3rd til the 1st of September } 120
Thus we have 103 days more than first agreed for.

The contract with the Government was from the 15th September up to