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of the U.S. Government and Superintending Architect and the building shall be completed, ready for occupation on or before the 15th day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty nine. Provided the materials are furnished when needed. 
Payment for the work will be made upon a Certificate of the Architect. 
It is hereby agreed this September 15th, in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty nine, Between the United States Government on the one part, and John Page, Builder, on the other part. That the said John Page, Builder, for himself, executors, administrators and assigns, doeth hereby promise and agree to and with the aforesaid United States Government to do and perform all the works of every kind mentioned in the foregoing particulars, and according to the drawings prepared and referred to, for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars lawful money of the United States. 
In consideration thereof E.W. Mason Superintendent of Education Bureau R.F. and A. Lands for Louisiana doth hereby promise and agree to pay to the said John Page, on the certificate of the Architect the aforesaid sum of Five Thousand Dollars in the following installments.
When the first tier of Beams are on  $1250.00
When the Frame is up 1250.00
When the Plastering is done 1250.00
When the Work is complete 1250.00

In witness whereof we have herewith set our hands, and seals, this day and year above mentioned.