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to apply to white women exclusely and to the exclusion of women of color and therefore that no amendment of the constitution of the U.S. or any act of congress do not in any manner effect it (the state law) and the officer so contrary acting will lay himself liable to an action of damages from parties so arrested.

Now being anxious to know how far my duties extend as an officer and how far I may expect protection in the discharge thereof - (If I should act contrary to the above advise & arrest the parties) I write to you for information and to learn from you what garentee I may expect from your department in case I should act as I have said.

And wether the judge has a right to discharge them from the custody of the sheriff after having been committed by the justice of the peace, and wether I (as an officer am liable as above said to parties so arrested.

You will please answer by return mail (as there is a case in point) and give me the information asked. 

Hoping to hear from you satisfactory at an early date 
I have the honour to be with sentiments of regard
Yours &c most respty
Saml. Stevens (Constable) 
for election district No 8
Frederick County Maryland