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The body of a House 26 by 36 feet hewed logs, 12 feet high to be covered with 3 feet boards in good order, &c. I bound myself to White to pay him one hundred dollars as soon as he completed the job. He would agree to take the government. I wrote to Lieut Kingsberry and told him what I could do. and he wrote to me and told me to close the bargain with White I did so, and he went to work at the house, the Lieut promised me the money as soon as the house was done.

I also rented a small room and hired a white man to teach and a colored school was opened immediately, but soon there was talk of a mob to whip and drive off the teacher. I learned where they were to act and went to some of the most prominant Rebels and told them what was threated, and told them they could prevent it and that the teacher was a very poor man and that he was getting a support for his family and doing the black children good and the whites no harm and that it would be a shame to break into the school. Dr. J. B. Field, a good Rebel interested himself in behalf of the school and the mob was restrained, and the school went on. Lieut Kingsberry in the mean time said that he had an appropriation of $150.00 for the Columbia colored school House and before White had completed his job, he had blacks sent

Transcription Notes:
many ?s 6/10 - all blanks filled in