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Information of the perpetration of Frauds, or of the
Counterfeiting of the Currency, Coins or Securities of the Government, will be paid for according to results produced.
All communications strictly confidential.

Treasury Department,
Solicitor's Office,
Secret Service Division, Washington, D.C.
New-York Branch, 52 Bleecker Street.
New York, July 17 1871

Major Genl O. O. Howard
Freedmens Bureau Washington D.C.

The case of Natt & Saml Collins, (Colored) 1st class boys U.S.S "Ossipee", has been placed in my hands, by the Chief of Division, H. C. Whitley Esq, as one of alleged fraud on the Treasury. In working up the evidence I have received from the Hon 4th Auditor a memorandum of information signed Wm. P Drew, Agt & Chf of Claim Div, Bureau of R.F & A.L. stating that these claims were paid by checks as follows; - Saml Collins, check 8241, Natt Collins chk 8269. No date or name of Paymaster or drawer given, or place of payment. I respectfully solicit this information as it will materially assist me to arrive at the parties to the fraud.

Very Respectfully
A. B. Newcomb.
Op. S.S. Division.