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6040 War Department 
Received August 9, 1871

709 Bureau R.F. & A.L. Vol 18 1871.
Hopkinsville, Ky.

Aug. 2d./71-


Saml. Terrell
late Co. K, 13th U.S. Col'd Inf

Rel to bounty money due him & his brother, Nelson Terrell, late of Co. C same regt (dec'd) which was sent by Freed's Buro' to D. W. Glassie of Nashville, who pretends he hosp’d same when such is not the case. Asks how to get the money. 

Freedmen's Bureau

Recd Bureau R.F. & A.L. Aug 11, 1871.

Mr. Crosby - 

Every few days we get something of this kind from the same source complaining of Officers of Freeds Buro in connection with col'd bounty claims.
Upon the statements of D.S.H [[strikethrough]] ays who [[/strikethrough]] is author of within an investigation was made by Col. Compton whose report with all other papers is now in Freed's Buro'

A letter was written to Hays/Copy enclosed

There seems to be something wrong about this business; if not the party who makes the complaints sh'd be made to shut up