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A FINANCIAL TRANSACTION. [[By?]] C. Beman, United States Disbursing Officer, No. 378 St. Charles street, caused the arrest of Richard Sheppard, Malvin Hill and Louis Willis, for obtaining two hundred and fifty-three dollars from him by false representations. Louis Willis, after his arrest made the following voluntary declaration to Recorder Houghton:

I was in Colonel Beman's office the day Brown was told to call the next day and get his bounty money. That evening Brown and I saw Hill in a bar-room on Baronne street. I saw Hill have what I thought was Brown's receipt. Next day Hill came to me and said Dick Sheppard wished to see me at the corner of Thalia and St. Charles streets, in a grocery. I went there, and saw him. He asked me if I had seen Brown; I told him no; he said 'Brown ain't coming this morning to draw his money, and I have got his business in charge, and I want you to go and get his  money.' I said I couldn't draw Brown's money, when Sheppard said I could. He then took a roll of names out of his pocket, and told me Charles Brown's name was upon it, and that Charles had given him permission to draw the money. He said I could draw it, and all I had to do was to go and answer the questions asked me. I said if I could accommodate a friend I would do it. I then went into Colonel Beman's office and drew the money, signing Charles Brown's name, by X, for it. Hill and Sheppard waited outside for me. When I went out Hill was there and Sheppard walked down the street. When I and Hill met Sheppard I put the money, $253; into Hill's hand. Hill looked it over, then handed me a five dollar note from his pocket, saying that was for my trouble.

This statement shows that there exists a system of fraud somewhere, which will sooner or later leak out. Men like the accused, uneducated and without good address, will not undertake such financial transactions without a power at their backs. The trick is a bald one, and one not likely to be successfully carried out unless the assistance of an unknown party is rendered.

The case was fixed for examination, before Recorder Houghton yesterday, but the papers were sent to a United States commissioner, who has jurisdiction over such matters.

Transcription Notes:
Corrected some typos Hand-written copy under news clipping is transcribed in full on next page (330).