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C.O. Harris, Robb S. Mitchell, C.C. Parker, T.T. Jackson, William Hafferan* and W.R. Gerard*, be reduced be reduced to two, - one of whom shall perform all messenger duty on the East side of the main hall, the other all duty on the west side.


2nd. That the watchmen, viz: J.G.B. Marshall, E.H. Ghasty, E.E. Reed, R.K. Morris, H.A. Napier*, and Daniel Carroll, be reduced to two.


3rd. That the following laborers, viz: W.H. Alexander, George E. Copeland, William Middleton and J.W. Bell, be reduced to three; the first two to remain as at present employed, the third to be in charge of all water closets.

Adjutant General's Office

4th. That the clerks in the Adjutant General's Office (including "Archives") viz: J.H. Butler, E.R. Belcher, J.C. Rock, J.T. Settle, John P. Bascom, James H. Smith, W.H. Thompson and D.A. Straker, be reduced to three, - one for the Adjutant General's Office proper and two on retained records.

Quartermaster's Department
5th. That O.S.B. Wall be discharged as soon as Wisewell Barracks are disposed of, and that J.W. Col'd be retained as at present