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All Official Letters to this Office must be addressed to the "Second Auditor of the Treasury," and is replying to Letters from this Office the initials on the upper left hand corner should be referred to.

Treasury Department,
Second Auditor's Office
Sept 18th, 1871


[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Letters are frequently received at this office from persons claiming to be officially connected with your bureau, requesting to be informed of the condition of claims in cases of colord soldiers.

As many of these claims have already been reported to you and their condition furnished in full as to suspension, rejection or settlement and as time and labor would be needlessly expended in again furnishing the same. You are requested to instruct your sub agents to correspond hereafter with this office through yourself as Commissioner.

Any letters which may be hereafter received from said subagents will with replies be forwarded to your address.
