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Nacogdoches Texas Sep 21st 1871

Mr. Howard

Hon Sir
I take the liberty of wrighting to you for to know what has Transpired conserning me. I was Imployd for to teach a school of freemen Children by agent Sent round in May 1869. My pay was not likely to come as I needed it Meger Miers and Excise officer in this town Wrote to Austin to Mr. Welsh steated that I was a man of 75 years of Adge that my only Suport one Son was in Calinafornia When the war Broke out and Inlisted in the Northern Army Served 3 years got his Discharge went to New York Reinlisted at Chiago and was Capt one year after the war taking care of the Govrment property that Newspaper give an acount of Robert Hart an Irish Man being killed and robed in the Cherokee Nation never get a letter from him Mr. Welsh wrote back that I would send him his name in full. There was a pension due me I sent one of his letters that give the whole infermission he wanted came back word that it was Exccepted I then received from your Honor a list of who was intitled to a pension Meyer Miers took it and marked on it and sent it back Meyer Miers is left our town and gone I cannot tell where Some days before he went he told me that he had accommodation for me that it was granted $200 and $8 per month Please Sir let me know if is so or not by so doing you will oblidge me I have not the means for to take me back home where I would be took care of Respectfully your Humb Servt

Thomas Hart