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and by earnestly seeking to pay bounties as soon as they reach him. I beg leave to call especial attention to the course or plan pursued by Mr.Coons in the payment of boundaries. By correspondence he makes arrangements with the banks in all localities distant from Nashville to pay bounties. the check drawn in favor of the claimants are sent to the banking of officers who are to assume all responsibility of identifying claimants and returning receipts properly witnessed by the Postmaster or some other equally responsible party and to receive as "exchange" not more than 25 or 50 cents for each draft or check. It is understood that the bank will be responsible if the money is not paid to the real claimant. If his course is strictly in accordance with law its adoption by all our agents would seem desirable and would save large sums required for traveling expenses. Indeed the success of this course or plan would soon enable the Commissioner to dispense with the field agents and through the Freedmen's and other banking organizations to pay all bounties directly from Headquarters.


At Hopkinsville much dissatisfaction existed to the making of which all the causes mentioned in the first paragraph