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erence to them.
At Louisville and Covington there are many reports of irregularities in pay,  merits made in Southwestern part of the state on the part of the officers recently relieved. At the former place I called at the office of our agent Mr. H. H. Ray but found the office closed, subsequently learned that Mr. Ray was in Washington.

The banks of the F. S. and Co. located in some of the cities named above are doing well making rapid advancement except at Chattanooga where unfortunately measures were taken to close the bank and some six or eight thousand dollars were returned to the depositors, a large portion of which to my personal knowledge has already been squandered by the depositors. During the short time of the existence of this bank and through it's assistance I am reliably informed that about two hundred families secured homes. The new banking house of this Co. at Nashville is rapidly approaching completion. It is a handsome structure of Commanding appearance, located almost opposite the Post Office and only two minutes walk from the Capitol Building.