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Newcastle Del. Oct 23rd 1871

Gen. O.O. Howard
Chief of Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Washington D.C.

With my family scattered and broken hearted I have been here in prison over Six weary sorrowful dark months and I am now without one cent to obtain little comforts or even absolute necessaries with my relatives all too poor to help me while my wifes family have been so outraged by my sin that although able are unwilling to do the least thing to add to my comfort or well being and the only thing that (aside from Gods grace) gives me comfort is that one great blessing, the charity of the Presbyterian Church in Washington in  not expelling me; and action of the masonic brothren in not expelling me on charges preferred. Situated as I am I really need money and you will pardon one when I state that the kind hearted Gen Balloch