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Bureau Refugees Freedman and Abandoned Lands, 
Office Disbursing Agent of Claims,
Nashville, Tenn. ...  187 .

If a Bank mispays as a Bank, it is responsible, no matter what dilligence is used, and claimant can proceed against it at once. If it mispays as an agent, "due dilligence" excuses it, and the principal must be proceeded against. If in paying through a bank under my present system the bank mispays and the claimant comes upon the Bureau, I inform him that every act we have done is under direction of law and himself (see former letter where claimants must first send order to be paid through bank &c) and that a prompt and ready redress can be had of the bank. Thus does the bank form a safeguard for both Bureau and claimant. As an alternative however between receiving funds in bulk, and requiring claimants to come to Nashville to be paid, I will prefer cashiers of banks made agents, and checks sent payable to my order.

Waiting to receive such instructions as may be to the benefit and safety of all concerned I am

Very respect
J. B. Coons

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