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No. 1

South Carolina
Beaufort County.

Beaufort S.C. Nov 10 1871.
Nelson R Scovel Esq.

Dear Sir.

I am authorised by the board of trustees of Beaufort Township School District No 1.

to say that they have established all the schools needed for colored children of this school district, and have made sufficient provissions to carry them on to the end of the school term, but in doing so we find that our funds will be exausted by the faithful fullfillment of our contracts in carring on these schools we find that we will be far defeceint in carring out all we desire on account of funds. We therefore, would respectfully asked you to aid us in opening a free school for the Whites of our district who are many of them as destitute of means to educate their children as those of the colored parents in district, any thing that may be in your power to do to assist us in carring out the spirit and requirements of the school law of our state with be thankfully received.
Yours Truly