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[[stamp]] RECEIVED O. O. H. DEC 7 1871 [[/stamp]]

Office Co. Supt. Public Schools,
Salem, Roanoke Co., Va.,
Dec. 4th 1871.

My dear Sir;—
I am in need of several colored teachers for public schools. Would be thankful if you would aid me in securing them. The houses are all ready, and nothing needed but teachers. Have made numerous attempts to obtain them, but, as yet, have failed. Salary, thirty dollars per month. Board can be had for eight dollars. Applicants should be able to teach Spelling, Reading, Geography, Arithmetic & Elements of Eng. Gram., and furnish evidence of good moral character.
Your aid would be most thankfully rec'd. Please respond at an early date and much oblige.

Very respty &c.,
S.R. Holland.