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Second Indorsement

Bureau R.F. & A. Lands,

Respectfully returned with the information that Maria Drain came to my office on the 10th inst in company with H.M. Carr, Esqr, and G.G. Kendrick (her former owner).  On entering the office Mr Carr presented an order of which the following is a true copy Viz:

"Louisville, Ky, Oct 28, 71. 
Agent of Bureau R.F and A.L.
Louisville, Ky.

Please pay to H.M. Carr, the sum of One hundred dollars out of my arrears and bounty money for the services of my husband John Drain, dead, late Co "H" "5" U.S. Cavy - the same being for money loaned me by Carr.
(sigd) Maria Drain Her x mark

F.H. Gibson
Thomas M. Colescott.".

When Mr Carr handed me the order I turned to Maria Drain and in the presence of Carr and Kendrick, asked "Maria, do you know what this is?" to which she replied - "Yes its a paper for you to pay Mr Carr."  I then asked her if she was owing Mr Carr, to which she replied that she was, and in answer to an inquiry as to how much she owed him she replied that she owed him "a hundred dollars".

I then had her sign (by mark) her vouchers and Memorandum Receipts, and calling her up to my desk in the presence of Kendrick and Carr counted out to her the sum of $339 85 telling her at the same time "there is all of the money that is due you", when she said "Well take Mr Carr's out won't you."  whereupon I counted out the sum of $100 00 and handed it to Mr Carr.  Maria then requested me to "put the $39 85 in a pile by its self" and I done so, and placed the $200 00 in an envelope for her - she taking up the $39 85 and the envelope and leaving the office, accompanied by her escort, Mr Kendrick.

In about ten or twenty minutes after leaving the office she returned and said "Didn't you give me $39.85?", to which I replied that I did, she then remarked "I told that old fellow so and he said there warn't but $29.85 but I told him I knew there was.  I just believe he took that ten dollars so I do."

I asked her who she meant by "that old fellow", to which